
When we were first researching Martinez, years before we moved there, we always heard rumors about beavers taking over Martinez. Then, when we were in the process of purchasing our home those rumors turned nasty. Some of the neighbors had told us that we would have to pay a large bill for flood insurance, ALL because of the beavers. We were downright shocked – How could these cute, harmless little animals be the cause of a large problem in downtown Martinez?


Well, as it turns out that “beavers are causing floods” rumor was just that; a rumor. The real reason that there are floods in the downtown area is because of the high tides in the Carquinez Strait and record rains. But how did these beavers get such a bad rep and what is being done about it now? There is an AMAZING local non-profit who keeps the beaver name untarnished, they are called Worth A Dam. 


Here is the link to their site: Worth A Dam


And, here is a great video featuring Dr. Heidi Perryman – Video Link Here


With the weather nearly hitting the 90’s this weekend, stay cool by Waterfront Park. There is SO MUCH to do there, from bocci ball; to the playgrounds; to skateboarding and picnicing! Link to Waterfront Park


The photo seen here is of my husband and pup on one of our daily walks. We pass multiple beaver-inspired art pieces, with this being my favorite.